
Here Herr Jung is telling us about a story titled 'Finding Billy". This is a book by Diane Dale which chronicles her search (using the Internet) to find out the circumstances around the death of her uncle in WWII.

Then Herr Jung told us about his brother. How he was drafted as a young man; he didn't have a choice (the alternative was a firing squad). How he was one of the first to go to the Russian front and one of the last to be leaving. How his brother's regular letters just abruptly stopped arriving. How, ten years after the war was over, the German chancellor asked that all German POWs be released. And when his brother didn't come home, he realized he would never be coming home.

And he never learned how his brother died. Herr Jung said that maybe it's better that he didn't know. But you could tell this was something he didn't have 'closure' on.

You could also tell that Herr Jung was scarred by the war, but that it hadn't broken his spirit.