Nereid Monument from Xanthos (c. 390-380 BC)

The Neried Monument was probably built for Arbinas, a Xanthian dynast, and his family. His name appears on the Inscribed Pillar at Xanthos. He is mentioned elsewhere as the builder of the Temple of Leto outside Xanthos and other monuments on the Acropolis of the city itself. Arbinas' exploits are likened to those of a number of Greek heroes and the theme of the podium frieze, a battle in the Greek manner, is possibly taken from the life of one of those heroes. The similar podium frieze shows the siege and surrender of a city and probably reflects a real event from the life of Arbinas, who died about 380 BC.

The architect and sculptors

The architecture has affinities with the Ionic temples of the later 5th century BC in Athens, notably the Nike Temple and Erechtheion on the Acropolis. The sculpture too shows strong influence from the Greek mainland and the sculptures, like the architect, were probably Greek. The Overall design of the Monument, however, was subordinated to its function and although the style of the sculpture is Greek, much of what it portrays is Lykian.