AD 1093
Saint Margaret dies in the Castle

In about 1070, following William of Normandy's conquest of England, members of the old Anglo-Saxon royal house fled to the Scottish court of Malcolm III. Immediately the warlike King fell in love with the saintly Princess Margaret and they were married in Dunfermline shortly after.

Meanwhile Malcolm kept up hostilities against the new line of English Kings. But on 16 November 1093, Queen Margaret, seriously ill here in Edinburgh Castle, was brought the news that her husband had been killed at Alnwick in Northumberland. Broken-hearted, she to died. Husband and wife are buried side by side in the church at Dunfermline.

Queen Margaret was made a saint by Pope Innocent IV in 1250.

A tiny chapel, built on the summit of the castle rock in the early twelfth century, is dedicated to her memory. It is the oldest building in the castle.